How we can assist

"The ‘New Normal"

Supply chain upheavals show little sign of abating. Companies can address them by retooling outdated, short-term strategies and begin the hard work of building structural resilience. The COVID-19 pandemic created significant disruptions to global supply chains, business had not experienced anything like this since WWII. Today’s C Suites have never been faced with the uncertainty and are attempting to develop strategies that will address the everchanging challenges. The Russian invasion of Ukraine is creating one of the greatest humanitarian crisis in Europe since WWII, resulting in consequences that will unfold for years to come. Restoring a system that has been focused on cost optimization will be increasingly more difficult. It will be necessary for supply chain operators to consider a range of options, including structural reform. Predictability is over. Another single prolonged shock to production could result in a hit of 30-50% of one year’s earnings.
Robotic production

COVID-19 showed the vulnerabilities of transportation; clogged ports, expensive cargo capacity and emergency shipments.

Just when everyone thought normalization was on the horizon, the conflict in Ukraine contributed to product-line closures, transportation delays and spiraling input costs.

These issues have contributed to large increases in commodity prices and a troublesome spike in inflation. The consumer is prepared to expect higher prices around the globe.

Due to shortages of containers, equipment, and labor, it is unlikely that ports, shipping, rails, and trucking issues will be quickly resolved.